Jumat, 19 September 2014
Qur'anic instructions on intelligent beings in Extraterrestrial
One of the privileges of the Qur'an is that it allows the interpretation that continues to grow and is always up to date. One example is contained in the letter Ar-Ra'du (13) verse 15.
And just to Allah prostrate (obedient) "Man" is in the heavens and in the earth, either by their own volition (obedient), or forced, nor may its shadow (go prostration) in the morning and evening (QS 13:15 ).
The verse explains the "Man" in the sky and on Earth. Then who is the "Man" in this verse?
1 In the grammar of the Qur'an (Arabic) "Man" shows being given a reason. While intelligent beings created by Allah there is 4, namely: Angel, Devil, Jin, and Humans. Therefore, other creatures such as animals, plants, or inanimate objects can not be called "Man" but called "Maa". If translated into Indonesian, the "Man" means "Who" and "Maa" means "What".
2 The characteristics of "Man" referred to in the above paragraph is:
a) Prostration in obedience to God;
b) Prostration forced to God; and
c) Has the shadows.
It reads: Walillahi yasjudu Man fi ssamaawaati wal ardhi, if translated into: And to Allah "Man" in the heavens and on earth prostrate / worship. It sounds paraghraf first of these verses. Paraghraf This explains the existence of "Man" in the heavens and in the earth bow down / worship God. Then proceed with the sentence: Thou'an Karhan wa wa ... dzilaluhum., If translated into: Obey, and forced, and their shadows ...... Paraghraf describes characteristics of "Man" is the first paraghraf. That bow down / worship the "Man" is sometimes referred to above obedient, sometimes forced, and they have shadows.
3 Please note again that the As-samaawaati on the verse plural. Thus an indication that the "Man" that is outside the planet Earth will be spread over many other planets.
3 If you look at the characteristics of the above it is unlikely that meant "Man" in the verse is the angel, because angel is always obedient to God, never forced, and do not have shadows.
4 Nor is it likely that the intention of "Man" in the verse is the devil, because the devil has never disobey God and do not have shadows.
5th and is impossible anyway "Man" in the verse is Jin. Although there are obedient and forced Jin, but Jin does not have a shadow.
6 So what is meant by "Man" in the verse is like human beings. That sometimes obedient creature, or forced, and have shadows. Therefore, the verse be indicative of intelligent beings like humans beyond Earth.
Besides the "Man", beyond planet Earth was Allah also created "Maa" from the group of reptiles. As Allah swt in the letter of An-Nahl (16) verse 49.
And just to Allah prostrate "Maa" which slithers in the heavens and "Maa" that reptiles on Earth. And the Angels, and they are not arrogant. (Qur'an 16:49).
The verse describes the existence of "Maa" and "Angel" in heaven and on earth were always bow down to God and not overbearing. In this verse there is no term forced, as evidence that the Angel and "Maa" always bow down in obedience to Allah.
Ending the discussion about extraterrestrial beings then please refer to the word of Allah in the letter Ash-Shura (42) verse 29.
And among the signs of His power, is the creation of the heavens and the Earth and "Maa" is creeping thing that He spread on both. AND HE ALMIGHTY TO COLLECT (reconcile) EVERYTHING (HEAVEN AND EARTH CREATURES) IF IA wills (Sura 42:29).
The verse be indicative of the possibility of meeting (interaction) between human beings in the heavens with humans on Earth and even the possibility of mutual affinity, of course, if Allah has willed. And Allah knows best bishowab.
Qur'anic instructions on intelligent beings in Extraterrestrial
The Qur'an is the biggest miracle of all time. First recorded at the time of Caliph Abu Bakr, and bookkeeping perfected in the era of Caliph Umar ibn Khathab. While at the time of Caliph Uthman began to set the shape of the letter and reproduced so that the technical term is Rosam Ottomans. Grammar of the Qur'an (nahwu and sharaf) was introduced in the time of Caliph Ali ibn Abi Talib.
One of the privileges of the Qur'an is that it allows the interpretation that continues to grow and is always up to date. One example is contained in the letter Ar-Ra'du (13) verse 15.
And just to Allah prostrate (obedient) "Man" is in the heavens and in the earth, either by their own volition (obedient), or forced, nor may its shadow (go prostration) in the morning and evening (QS 13:15 ).
The verse explains the "Man" in the sky and on Earth. Then who is the "Man" in this verse?
1 In the grammar of the Qur'an (Arabic) "Man" shows being given a reason. While intelligent beings created by Allah there is 4, namely: Angel, Devil, Jin, and Humans. Therefore, other creatures such as animals, plants, or inanimate objects can not be called "Man" but called "Maa". If translated into Indonesian, the "Man" means "Who" and "Maa" means "What".
2 The characteristics of "Man" referred to in the above paragraph is:
a) Prostration in obedience to God;
b) Prostration forced to God; and
c) Has the shadows.
It reads: Walillahi yasjudu Man fi ssamaawaati wal ardhi, if translated into: And to Allah "Man" in the heavens and on earth prostrate / worship. It sounds paraghraf first of these verses. Paraghraf This explains the existence of "Man" in the heavens and in the earth bow down / worship God. Then proceed with the sentence: Thou'an Karhan wa wa ... dzilaluhum., If translated into: Obey, and forced, and their shadows ...... Paraghraf describes characteristics of "Man" is the first paraghraf. That bow down / worship the "Man" is sometimes referred to above obedient, sometimes forced, and they have shadows.
3 Please note again that the As-samaawaati on the verse plural. Thus an indication that the "Man" that is outside the planet Earth will be spread over many other planets.
3 If you look at the characteristics of the above it is unlikely that meant "Man" in the verse is the angel, because angel is always obedient to God, never forced, and do not have shadows.
4 Nor is it likely that the intention of "Man" in the verse is the devil, because the devil has never disobey God and do not have shadows.
5th and is impossible anyway "Man" in the verse is Jin. Although there are obedient and forced Jin, but Jin does not have a shadow.
6 So what is meant by "Man" in the verse is like human beings. That sometimes obedient creature, or forced, and have shadows. Therefore, the verse be indicative of intelligent beings like humans beyond Earth.
Besides the "Man", beyond planet Earth was Allah also created "Maa" from the group of reptiles. As Allah swt in the letter of An-Nahl (16) verse 49.
And just to Allah prostrate "Maa" which slithers in the heavens and "Maa" that reptiles on Earth. And the Angels, and they are not arrogant. (Qur'an 16:49).
The verse describes the existence of "Maa" and "Angel" in heaven and on earth were always bow down to God and not overbearing. In this verse there is no term forced, as evidence that the Angel and "Maa" always bow down in obedience to Allah.
Ending the discussion about extraterrestrial beings then please refer to the word of Allah in the letter Ash-Shura (42) verse 29.
And among the signs of His power, is the creation of the heavens and the Earth and "Maa" is creeping thing that He spread on both. AND HE ALMIGHTY TO COLLECT (reconcile) EVERYTHING (HEAVEN AND EARTH CREATURES) IF IA wills (Sura 42:29).
The verse be indicative of the possibility of meeting (interaction) between human beings in the heavens with humans on Earth and even the possibility of mutual affinity, of course, if Allah has willed. And Allah knows best bishowab.
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