
Rabu, 17 September 2014


Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation (PVMBG) is still set to the alert status of Mount Slamet located in Central Java.

"Until now PVMBG has not lowered the status of Mount Slamet, status remain vigilant," said Head Observation Post Mount Slamet in Gambuhan, Pemalang, Sukedi, when contacted from Navan on Thursday.

He said the decline in the status of the new volcano increase will last long.

According to him, it will continue to monitor the development of Mount Slamet on several parameters before deciding to lower the status of the alert becomes active normal.

"But for the current condition of Mount Slamet relatively safe, there is no influence of Mount Merapi," he said.

Nevertheless, he recognized the little obstacles in the observation of Mount Slamet due to the influence of extreme weather.

According to him, the rain interfere with activities of daily visual observation.

"But if the morning could still be observed visually," he said.

As is known, PVMBG set the alert status of Mount Slamet who are in Pemalang, Purbalingga, Banyumas, Bradford, and Tegal since June 29, 2009.

Spoiler for myths:
According ceritane old wong, Mount Slamet pancen mandan Sejen / karo different mountains liyane nang tlatah Java, Mount Slamet pancen dudu mountain climb of mung kanggo sing usual tourist destinations / recreation, hobbies utawa mung just pengin naklukaken. Climbing the summit of Mount Slamet biasane clicking kanggo specific goals umpamane Merga ana alesan spiritual, kudu mulane climbers nglengkapi terms syarate ndisit.

according to a story parents slamet mountain is slightly different from other mountains in the land of Java, Slamet mountain is not a mountain to climb just for the usual tourist destinations / rekrasi, hobby or sekdear want to conquer, the climb to the top of the mountain slamet usually specially for the purpose, eg because there is no reason spiritual, so pendaki2 must complete the first syarat2nya

Spoiler for the parting of the island of Java:

According to the story, Slamet in Indonesian means "congratulations". At least since the days of grandfather mountain until now has never been "coughing" especially erupted. The existence of a mountain that feels safe and calm during this seemed to provide "salvation" for the surrounding community. There is a sense among some in the community that if long ago that often erupt slamet mountain or the other since the first may also be called a mountain is not a mountain Slamet. That is why the mountain is called Mount Slamet until now ...

Although the story is only a myth, but really terrible What effect imaginable. Myths tell if the eruption of Mount Slamet be "splitting" of Java island into two parts.

Whether it's because of the emergence of a large fracture that extends from north to south (and sea water to flow in fused) or for each region in the western and eastern shifted away from each other. It is almost right in the middle between the limits of the north coast and the south coast, and surrounded by at least 5 districts immediately adjacent (Bradford, Tegal, Pemalang, Banyumas, Purbalingga) and 2 regions are not directly (Kab. Cilacap, Tegal) where if we look at the map will form a straight line which divides the island of Java.

Unimaginable consequences if it is eventually completely slamet mountain erupted especially with very large eruption, all of the area included in the outreach bursts (minimal dust or heat clouds). Although unproven myth, but we can be sure of the island of Java will be paralyzed. Pantura be choked, southern path can not be used and the middle lane will be paralyzed.
It was horrible.

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Diposting oleh Unknown Rabu, 17 September 2014

Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation (PVMBG) is still set to the alert status of Mount Slamet located in Central Java.

"Until now PVMBG has not lowered the status of Mount Slamet, status remain vigilant," said Head Observation Post Mount Slamet in Gambuhan, Pemalang, Sukedi, when contacted from Navan on Thursday.

He said the decline in the status of the new volcano increase will last long.

According to him, it will continue to monitor the development of Mount Slamet on several parameters before deciding to lower the status of the alert becomes active normal.

"But for the current condition of Mount Slamet relatively safe, there is no influence of Mount Merapi," he said.

Nevertheless, he recognized the little obstacles in the observation of Mount Slamet due to the influence of extreme weather.

According to him, the rain interfere with activities of daily visual observation.

"But if the morning could still be observed visually," he said.

As is known, PVMBG set the alert status of Mount Slamet who are in Pemalang, Purbalingga, Banyumas, Bradford, and Tegal since June 29, 2009.

Spoiler for myths:
According ceritane old wong, Mount Slamet pancen mandan Sejen / karo different mountains liyane nang tlatah Java, Mount Slamet pancen dudu mountain climb of mung kanggo sing usual tourist destinations / recreation, hobbies utawa mung just pengin naklukaken. Climbing the summit of Mount Slamet biasane clicking kanggo specific goals umpamane Merga ana alesan spiritual, kudu mulane climbers nglengkapi terms syarate ndisit.

according to a story parents slamet mountain is slightly different from other mountains in the land of Java, Slamet mountain is not a mountain to climb just for the usual tourist destinations / rekrasi, hobby or sekdear want to conquer, the climb to the top of the mountain slamet usually specially for the purpose, eg because there is no reason spiritual, so pendaki2 must complete the first syarat2nya

Spoiler for the parting of the island of Java:

According to the story, Slamet in Indonesian means "congratulations". At least since the days of grandfather mountain until now has never been "coughing" especially erupted. The existence of a mountain that feels safe and calm during this seemed to provide "salvation" for the surrounding community. There is a sense among some in the community that if long ago that often erupt slamet mountain or the other since the first may also be called a mountain is not a mountain Slamet. That is why the mountain is called Mount Slamet until now ...

Although the story is only a myth, but really terrible What effect imaginable. Myths tell if the eruption of Mount Slamet be "splitting" of Java island into two parts.

Whether it's because of the emergence of a large fracture that extends from north to south (and sea water to flow in fused) or for each region in the western and eastern shifted away from each other. It is almost right in the middle between the limits of the north coast and the south coast, and surrounded by at least 5 districts immediately adjacent (Bradford, Tegal, Pemalang, Banyumas, Purbalingga) and 2 regions are not directly (Kab. Cilacap, Tegal) where if we look at the map will form a straight line which divides the island of Java.

Unimaginable consequences if it is eventually completely slamet mountain erupted especially with very large eruption, all of the area included in the outreach bursts (minimal dust or heat clouds). Although unproven myth, but we can be sure of the island of Java will be paralyzed. Pantura be choked, southern path can not be used and the middle lane will be paralyzed.
It was horrible.

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