Jumat, 15 Agustus 2014
Hijab Virgin Mary says 'La ilaha illallah' By the Islamic State
This is not a hoax story aka "hoaks". In a painting, the figure of the Holy Virgin Mary in Christianity is so elegant with clothes greatness, even with the veil that always hung in his head. But in painting this one, you would have been shocked by the great Arabic inscription found on the banks of the Virgin Mary veil worn.
Let's see the result of zooming in on, what has been in the circle, that is lafadz Creed.
As with you, Hanum Salsabila Rais, daughter of Amien Rais and author of 99 European sky light was made astonished to learn that the Arabic inscription on the banks carve hijab worn cloth that Mary is lafadz tahlil 'La ilaha illallah "
In his book, describes the story of his journey exploring Hanum traces of Islamic civilization in Europe. She and her husband, Rangga Almahendra splitting of Islamic civilization from Western Europe to Eastern Europe. Arriving in Paris, was made Hanum stunned by some of the relics of Islamic civilization in this city once.
Louvre Museum, a storage area for various precious objects belonging to the French. In this museum, the Mona Lisa is the most popular it was. And here is also amazing paintings Hanum it was.
Painting by Ugolino is titled "The Virgin and The Child" in which the figure appears in the painting of Our Lady was holding "Jesus" baby. Astonishingly, in the veil of Our Lady in the painting there is a Pseudo Kufic Arabic script. Investigated by researchers that after the Arab World Institute, it turns out his is "La ilaha illallah". Also found a lot of Hanum Kufic Arabic script in painting artifacts Catholic community. Including Kufic Arabic script in the cloak of a devout Catholic king, King Roger II of Sicily from Austria.
Marion, Hanum friend who is also a researcher of medieval Islamic civilization which experts read Arabic Kufic explained that once the Middle East known to science, art and culture. So many Europeans traveling to the Middle East and buy fabrics, tapestries, paintings, and so forth. In traded goods that often there are the words of monotheism as above and eventually imitated by Europeans.
Not only about hijab lafadz Virgin Mary that reads "La ilaha illallah 'Hanum and Marion disclose facts about the Axe Historique or Voie Triomphale which means' Victory Road' which they attributed to the presence of historic buildings in the city of Paris was the Mecca. The buildings and the location of the historic monuments in Paris le Defense, the Arc de Triomphe de l'Etoile, the Champ Elysees, Obelisk monument, the Arc de Triomphe du Carrousel and the Louvre Museum are called in a straight line and the line leading to the Kaaba (Makkah), Saudi Arabia.
If the Axe Historique straight line drawn to the east, kept out of Paris and continue to penetrate other continents, it can penetrate Mecca. Precisely first country in the east southeast Paris is Switzerland, at the bottom is Italy, then Greece. Across the Mediterranean Sea, there is Egypt, and Saudi Arabia and Mecca. And that is the path of victory of Mecca, the qibla of Muslims.
"Most holy thou. This world is like the ocean where many creatures who drowned creation. So explore this world with the name of Allah. Make your fears to God as the ships were saved. faith develop them as your screen, as the logic of your boat rowers, as the skipper perjalannanmu science and patient as an anchor in every storm and trials "(Ali ibn Abi Talib ra). (syg / dp / dais)
Hijab Virgin Mary says 'La ilaha illallah' By the Islamic State
This is not a hoax story aka "hoaks". In a painting, the figure of the Holy Virgin Mary in Christianity is so elegant with clothes greatness, even with the veil that always hung in his head. But in painting this one, you would have been shocked by the great Arabic inscription found on the banks of the Virgin Mary veil worn.
Let's see the result of zooming in on, what has been in the circle, that is lafadz Creed.
As with you, Hanum Salsabila Rais, daughter of Amien Rais and author of 99 European sky light was made astonished to learn that the Arabic inscription on the banks carve hijab worn cloth that Mary is lafadz tahlil 'La ilaha illallah "
In his book, describes the story of his journey exploring Hanum traces of Islamic civilization in Europe. She and her husband, Rangga Almahendra splitting of Islamic civilization from Western Europe to Eastern Europe. Arriving in Paris, was made Hanum stunned by some of the relics of Islamic civilization in this city once.
Louvre Museum, a storage area for various precious objects belonging to the French. In this museum, the Mona Lisa is the most popular it was. And here is also amazing paintings Hanum it was.
Painting by Ugolino is titled "The Virgin and The Child" in which the figure appears in the painting of Our Lady was holding "Jesus" baby. Astonishingly, in the veil of Our Lady in the painting there is a Pseudo Kufic Arabic script. Investigated by researchers that after the Arab World Institute, it turns out his is "La ilaha illallah". Also found a lot of Hanum Kufic Arabic script in painting artifacts Catholic community. Including Kufic Arabic script in the cloak of a devout Catholic king, King Roger II of Sicily from Austria.
Marion, Hanum friend who is also a researcher of medieval Islamic civilization which experts read Arabic Kufic explained that once the Middle East known to science, art and culture. So many Europeans traveling to the Middle East and buy fabrics, tapestries, paintings, and so forth. In traded goods that often there are the words of monotheism as above and eventually imitated by Europeans.
Not only about hijab lafadz Virgin Mary that reads "La ilaha illallah 'Hanum and Marion disclose facts about the Axe Historique or Voie Triomphale which means' Victory Road' which they attributed to the presence of historic buildings in the city of Paris was the Mecca. The buildings and the location of the historic monuments in Paris le Defense, the Arc de Triomphe de l'Etoile, the Champ Elysees, Obelisk monument, the Arc de Triomphe du Carrousel and the Louvre Museum are called in a straight line and the line leading to the Kaaba (Makkah), Saudi Arabia.
If the Axe Historique straight line drawn to the east, kept out of Paris and continue to penetrate other continents, it can penetrate Mecca. Precisely first country in the east southeast Paris is Switzerland, at the bottom is Italy, then Greece. Across the Mediterranean Sea, there is Egypt, and Saudi Arabia and Mecca. And that is the path of victory of Mecca, the qibla of Muslims.
"Most holy thou. This world is like the ocean where many creatures who drowned creation. So explore this world with the name of Allah. Make your fears to God as the ships were saved. faith develop them as your screen, as the logic of your boat rowers, as the skipper perjalannanmu science and patient as an anchor in every storm and trials "(Ali ibn Abi Talib ra). (syg / dp / dais)
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