
Jumat, 19 September 2014

Command stick Bung Karno

Many times Bung Karno said that his Command Sticks do not have a magic power, power linuwih .. "it's just plain wood that I use as part of my performance as a leader of a great country" said Bung Karno in his biography of the author, Cindy Adams at some point in the Bogor Palace.


Bung Karno itself has three baton the same shape, a stick that he carried out of the country, one stick for dealing with the stick-General and one time he spoke. But if such a hurry and had to go, which often is the stick he carried when he made ​​a speech.

Ever a time Cuban President Fidel Castro holds a stick Bung Karno and joked "Is this magic wand as wand Indian Chief?" Bung Karno laughed, then asked Castro black cap Bung Karno and Bung Karno use green pet has its Castro. "I use this Pet my time attacking Batista's Havana and I drop" Castro said about the green Pet.

Is it stick Bung Karno supernatural powers? like Keris Diponegoro 'Kyai Bark' or dagger Aryo Penangsang 'Kyai Satan Kober' wallahu'alam. But Bung Karno magic, it's obvious. The most shocking public events for Bung Karno Indonesia is currently being shot from close range in the Eid prayers. The shot was missed and this is so excited, how could the shooter was a warlord trained, why shoot from a distance of only 5 meters are not taxable. At that point radios when the trial court shooter Bung Karno, Bung Karno was revealed when divided itself into five. Shooter confused 'where Bung Karno'?

Bung Karno was a real miracle 'miracle' tiban, 'tiban' is a Javanese term that magic is not learned. Sukarno named Kusno birth, he became violently ill later replaced Sukarno name. Once healthy, grandfather came Sukarno, Hardjodikromo come from vBulletin to meet with a minor at the time of Sukarno, the grandfather saw something else in this child. Sukarno's own grandfather was a powerful, he could lick embers on a burning iron. - Apparently there Sukarno tongue is the ability to treat people, Sukarno attempted to treat the sick with menjilat-.

Grandfather Sukarno, know that this magic, but must be changed from his grandson not only be herbalists, but so is a very useful to the nation. Hardjodikromo is a fugitive from Central Java who refuse forced cultivation system Cultuurstelsel Van Den Bosch, he vBulletin to start a business as a merchant and batik. Bung Karno ancestor of the Father is the Diponegoro War officer for the Solo region. Bung Karno's ancestral name was Raden Mangundiwiryo who fought against the Dutch, it is the belief Mangundiwiryo Raden Mas Prawirodigdoyo one Diponegoro commander who built fortresses resistance between Boyolali to Merbabu. After completion of the Diponegoro War, Raden Mangundiwiryo hunted by the Dutch intelligence and he was disguised as a commoner around Purwodadi, maybe this is the root of what makes the bond between Central Java and Bung Karno. - As is known in Central Java is the main base in Indonesia-the largest Sukarnoist.

Mangundiwiryo have the magic 'remarks could come true' term 'idu geni'. This apparently decreased at Bung Karno. Viewing capabilities' idu geni 'Bung Karno, grandfather Hardjodikromo fasting day and night so that her grandchildren can have inner strength, at some point Hardjodikromo dream home coming of a very mysterious, dressed nobles palace of Mataram and said very slowly' that your grandson is a king not only in Java, but in the entire archipelago '. Later Hardjodikromo thought that it was a manifestation of the Savior Ki Martani, a nobleman of the most intelligent Mataram.

Since that dream, the ability Bung Karno lick and heal instantly disappear replaced with 'extraordinary ability to speak great'.

Bung Karno himself -According Giebbels book, one of the Dutch historian has predicted will be killed with sharp objects. For that he was very afraid of needles, Bung Karno himself somewhat paranoid against sharp objects, when very severe kidney disease, he refused to go to Switzerland because there he would be dissected with a sharp knife. He chose herbal medicines from China.

Back to the last stick, stick Bung Karno was made ​​of wood Pucang Kalak, Tree Pucang it a lot, but Pucang inverse exists only in Ponorogo, Pucang tree. Command Bung Karno own sticks used since 1952, after the events of October 17 1952 -an Bung Karno night approached them carrying a wooden tree sebalok Pucang Kalak which he cut with his hand, the beam was delivered at Bung Karno. "To deal with the general" the man said. Then Bung Karno told one of Yogyakarta artists to make it into a wooden baton.

In addition to the repertoire of Indonesian politics, 'Religion' or handle it a matter of course. General Sumitro example, the main character in rivaalitas with Malari Murtopo on events in 1974, before the outbreak of Malari arrival of a young boy with dirty clothes and handed a keris "To win sir" said the young man.

Soeharto himself had much to say Religion Soeharto powerhouse it is in Mrs. Tien Suharto, many say also in 'bun' bu Tien. But clearly Pak Harto was a hermit, an expert on high mysticism, he was happy tapa kungkum in battle (battle = stream meeting two times) in Jakarta, he often meditated near Ancol midnight, when the tug between the Bung Karno 1965- in 1967.

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Command stick Bung Karno

Diposting oleh Unknown Jumat, 19 September 2014

Many times Bung Karno said that his Command Sticks do not have a magic power, power linuwih .. "it's just plain wood that I use as part of my performance as a leader of a great country" said Bung Karno in his biography of the author, Cindy Adams at some point in the Bogor Palace.


Bung Karno itself has three baton the same shape, a stick that he carried out of the country, one stick for dealing with the stick-General and one time he spoke. But if such a hurry and had to go, which often is the stick he carried when he made ​​a speech.

Ever a time Cuban President Fidel Castro holds a stick Bung Karno and joked "Is this magic wand as wand Indian Chief?" Bung Karno laughed, then asked Castro black cap Bung Karno and Bung Karno use green pet has its Castro. "I use this Pet my time attacking Batista's Havana and I drop" Castro said about the green Pet.

Is it stick Bung Karno supernatural powers? like Keris Diponegoro 'Kyai Bark' or dagger Aryo Penangsang 'Kyai Satan Kober' wallahu'alam. But Bung Karno magic, it's obvious. The most shocking public events for Bung Karno Indonesia is currently being shot from close range in the Eid prayers. The shot was missed and this is so excited, how could the shooter was a warlord trained, why shoot from a distance of only 5 meters are not taxable. At that point radios when the trial court shooter Bung Karno, Bung Karno was revealed when divided itself into five. Shooter confused 'where Bung Karno'?

Bung Karno was a real miracle 'miracle' tiban, 'tiban' is a Javanese term that magic is not learned. Sukarno named Kusno birth, he became violently ill later replaced Sukarno name. Once healthy, grandfather came Sukarno, Hardjodikromo come from vBulletin to meet with a minor at the time of Sukarno, the grandfather saw something else in this child. Sukarno's own grandfather was a powerful, he could lick embers on a burning iron. - Apparently there Sukarno tongue is the ability to treat people, Sukarno attempted to treat the sick with menjilat-.

Grandfather Sukarno, know that this magic, but must be changed from his grandson not only be herbalists, but so is a very useful to the nation. Hardjodikromo is a fugitive from Central Java who refuse forced cultivation system Cultuurstelsel Van Den Bosch, he vBulletin to start a business as a merchant and batik. Bung Karno ancestor of the Father is the Diponegoro War officer for the Solo region. Bung Karno's ancestral name was Raden Mangundiwiryo who fought against the Dutch, it is the belief Mangundiwiryo Raden Mas Prawirodigdoyo one Diponegoro commander who built fortresses resistance between Boyolali to Merbabu. After completion of the Diponegoro War, Raden Mangundiwiryo hunted by the Dutch intelligence and he was disguised as a commoner around Purwodadi, maybe this is the root of what makes the bond between Central Java and Bung Karno. - As is known in Central Java is the main base in Indonesia-the largest Sukarnoist.

Mangundiwiryo have the magic 'remarks could come true' term 'idu geni'. This apparently decreased at Bung Karno. Viewing capabilities' idu geni 'Bung Karno, grandfather Hardjodikromo fasting day and night so that her grandchildren can have inner strength, at some point Hardjodikromo dream home coming of a very mysterious, dressed nobles palace of Mataram and said very slowly' that your grandson is a king not only in Java, but in the entire archipelago '. Later Hardjodikromo thought that it was a manifestation of the Savior Ki Martani, a nobleman of the most intelligent Mataram.

Since that dream, the ability Bung Karno lick and heal instantly disappear replaced with 'extraordinary ability to speak great'.

Bung Karno himself -According Giebbels book, one of the Dutch historian has predicted will be killed with sharp objects. For that he was very afraid of needles, Bung Karno himself somewhat paranoid against sharp objects, when very severe kidney disease, he refused to go to Switzerland because there he would be dissected with a sharp knife. He chose herbal medicines from China.

Back to the last stick, stick Bung Karno was made ​​of wood Pucang Kalak, Tree Pucang it a lot, but Pucang inverse exists only in Ponorogo, Pucang tree. Command Bung Karno own sticks used since 1952, after the events of October 17 1952 -an Bung Karno night approached them carrying a wooden tree sebalok Pucang Kalak which he cut with his hand, the beam was delivered at Bung Karno. "To deal with the general" the man said. Then Bung Karno told one of Yogyakarta artists to make it into a wooden baton.

In addition to the repertoire of Indonesian politics, 'Religion' or handle it a matter of course. General Sumitro example, the main character in rivaalitas with Malari Murtopo on events in 1974, before the outbreak of Malari arrival of a young boy with dirty clothes and handed a keris "To win sir" said the young man.

Soeharto himself had much to say Religion Soeharto powerhouse it is in Mrs. Tien Suharto, many say also in 'bun' bu Tien. But clearly Pak Harto was a hermit, an expert on high mysticism, he was happy tapa kungkum in battle (battle = stream meeting two times) in Jakarta, he often meditated near Ancol midnight, when the tug between the Bung Karno 1965- in 1967.

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