Jumat, 15 Agustus 2014
Hijab Virgin Mary says 'La ilaha illallah' By the Islamic State
This is not a hoax story aka "hoaks". In a painting, the figure of the Holy Virgin Mary in Christianity is so elegant with clothes greatness, even with the veil that always hung in his head. But in painting this one, you would have been shocked by the great Arabic inscription found on the banks of the Virgin Mary veil worn.
Hijab Virgin Mary says 'La ilaha illallah' By the Islamic State
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This is not a hoax story aka "hoaks". In a painting, the figure of the Holy Virgin Mary in Christianity is so elegant with clothes greatness, even with the veil that always hung in his head. But in painting this one, you would have been shocked by the great Arabic inscription found on the banks of the Virgin Mary veil worn.
Jumat, 15 Agustus 2014