
Jumat, 19 September 2014

Command stick Bung Karno

Many times Bung Karno said that his Command Sticks do not have a magic power, power linuwih .. "it's just plain wood that I use as part of my performance as a leader of a great country" said Bung Karno in his biography of the author, Cindy Adams at some point in the Bogor Palace.


Bung Karno itself has three baton the same shape, a stick that he carried out of the country, one stick for dealing with the stick-General and one time he spoke. But if such a hurry and had to go, which often is the stick he carried when he made ​​a speech.

Ever a time Cuban President Fidel Castro holds a stick Bung Karno and joked "Is this magic wand as wand Indian Chief?" Bung Karno laughed, then asked Castro black cap Bung Karno and Bung Karno use green pet has its Castro. "I use this Pet my time attacking Batista's Havana and I drop" Castro said about the green Pet.

Is it stick Bung Karno supernatural powers? like Keris Diponegoro 'Kyai Bark' or dagger Aryo Penangsang 'Kyai Satan Kober' wallahu'alam. But Bung Karno magic, it's obvious. The most shocking public events for Bung Karno Indonesia is currently being shot from close range in the Eid prayers. The shot was missed and this is so excited, how could the shooter was a warlord trained, why shoot from a distance of only 5 meters are not taxable. At that point radios when the trial court shooter Bung Karno, Bung Karno was revealed when divided itself into five. Shooter confused 'where Bung Karno'?

Qur'anic instructions on intelligent beings in Extraterrestrial

The Qur'an is the biggest miracle of all time. First recorded at the time of Caliph Abu Bakr, and bookkeeping perfected in the era of Caliph Umar ibn Khathab. While at the time of Caliph Uthman began to set the shape of the letter and reproduced so that the technical term is Rosam Ottomans. Grammar of the Qur'an (nahwu and sharaf) was introduced in the time of Caliph Ali ibn Abi Talib.

One of the privileges of the Qur'an is that it allows the interpretation that continues to grow and is always up to date. One example is contained in the letter Ar-Ra'du (13) verse 15.

And just to Allah prostrate (obedient) "Man" is in the heavens and in the earth, either by their own volition (obedient), or forced, nor may its shadow (go prostration) in the morning and evening (QS 13:15 ).

The verse explains the "Man" in the sky and on Earth. Then who is the "Man" in this verse?

1 In the grammar of the Qur'an (Arabic) "Man" shows being given a reason. While intelligent beings created by Allah there is 4, namely: Angel, Devil, Jin, and Humans. Therefore, other creatures such as animals, plants, or inanimate objects can not be called "Man" but called "Maa". If translated into Indonesian, the "Man" means "Who" and "Maa" means "What".

2 The characteristics of "Man" referred to in the above paragraph is:
a) Prostration in obedience to God;
b) Prostration forced to God; and
c) Has the shadows.


It reads: Walillahi yasjudu Man fi ssamaawaati wal ardhi, if translated into: And to Allah "Man" in the heavens and on earth prostrate / worship. It sounds paraghraf first of these verses. Paraghraf This explains the existence of "Man" in the heavens and in the earth bow down / worship God. Then proceed with the sentence: Thou'an Karhan wa wa ... dzilaluhum., If translated into: Obey, and forced, and their shadows ...... Paraghraf describes characteristics of "Man" is the first paraghraf. That bow down / worship the "Man" is sometimes referred to above obedient, sometimes forced, and they have shadows.

U-23 national team to qualify to the last 16 after a 4-0 win over the Maldives U-23, at the 2014 Asian Games.

Indonesia U-23 national team performed so brilliantly in the competition for the Maldives to get rid of the 2014 Asian Games The match took place in Incheon. Indonesia national team U-23 managed to tear apart the Maldives back line and scored 4 goals.
Ferdinand Sinaga print managed 4 goals in a match against Timor Leste national team, and now the game against Maldives comeback so brilliantly by scoring 2 goals. However, the results of this winning to be paid because the expensive goalkeeper Andritany Ardhiyasa and Ramdani Lestaluhu can blow so hard from the Maldives.
The game in the first round, the players Maldives U-23 play so brilliantly. Maldives U-23 can perform with confidence and take the ball but the defense puncture Indonesia U-23 national team. Nevertheless, there are Achmad Jufriyanto protecting the back line well.

Rabu, 17 September 2014


Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation (PVMBG) is still set to the alert status of Mount Slamet located in Central Java.

"Until now PVMBG has not lowered the status of Mount Slamet, status remain vigilant," said Head Observation Post Mount Slamet in Gambuhan, Pemalang, Sukedi, when contacted from Navan on Thursday.

He said the decline in the status of the new volcano increase will last long.

According to him, it will continue to monitor the development of Mount Slamet on several parameters before deciding to lower the status of the alert becomes active normal.

"But for the current condition of Mount Slamet relatively safe, there is no influence of Mount Merapi," he said.

Nevertheless, he recognized the little obstacles in the observation of Mount Slamet due to the influence of extreme weather.

According to him, the rain interfere with activities of daily visual observation.

"But if the morning could still be observed visually," he said.

As is known, PVMBG set the alert status of Mount Slamet who are in Pemalang, Purbalingga, Banyumas, Bradford, and Tegal since June 29, 2009.

Spoiler for myths:
According ceritane old wong, Mount Slamet pancen mandan Sejen / karo different mountains liyane nang tlatah Java, Mount Slamet pancen dudu mountain climb of mung kanggo sing usual tourist destinations / recreation, hobbies utawa mung just pengin naklukaken. Climbing the summit of Mount Slamet biasane clicking kanggo specific goals umpamane Merga ana alesan spiritual, kudu mulane climbers nglengkapi terms syarate ndisit.

Islamic State of Iraq and Sham (ISIS), Political Masterpiece Mujahideen - Islamic State of Iraq and Sham (hereinafter abbreviated to short for an English version, ISIS) becomes an interesting phenomenon at the opening of the AD calendar, 2014 Hundreds of migrants related to ISIS brushed off, to abduct and rape the women.

The reason is ISIS as an element of struggle Syria is accused of the brutal elements. Most Takfiris Accused, 'keblasuk' understanding of the Khawarij, mujrim, like indiscriminate killing and so forth. Until the end of the massacre against the muhajirin incident that join ISIS, which is regarded as a punishment from other brigades, became a topic of particular concern.

Until eventually some Islamic media in Indonesia raised in crowded on ISIS. This defense is very reasonable. Because in the eyes of these media, crime brigade (which many identified as a criminal group) were attacked ISIS This has gone far enough. In particular, they only target muhajirin and muhajirat are joined. They did not dare head to head 'judge' local combatants ISIS.

Then came an input, that is better Islamic media focus back to the Shiite resistance, by reason of such events is already 'on-set'. Either the owner of the entries do not understand, or adopts another, this input is finally a little inspiration for the writer gives his opinion to show that the defense of the ISIS (defense for some people seen 'Animashaun'), is a reasonable defense.

Results Chat Political Experts Jihad

Birth of the Islamic State of Iraq, following ISIS, a tactical decisions that are political. This kind of politics is the politics of kosher and halal bright. There is no debate that establish Daulah with the way this discussion is valid, although the issue whether or not compulsory allegiance to amirnya can be discussed later and will not be discussed here.

Mujahideen from age to age on various fronts have felt the 'sap'. After struggling in a particular front, they are labeled as terrorists. Being chased here and there by the local and international authorities is commonplace story of a kind of Bosnian international front, Afghanistan, Moro, until the local front sort of Poso and Ambon.

The Mystery of the Bermuda Triangle

According to the Bermuda Triangle Mystery Islam | Al-Hadith Bermuda Triangle, also called the devil lies in the triangular area of ​​the Atlantic ocean area of ​​1.5 million miles, or 4 million square kilometers that make up the triangle lines between territorial areas of the United Kingdom as a point in the north, Puerto Rico territorial United States point to the south of the state of Florida and Miami United States as a point to the west.

Certainly never heard of the strange events that often occur there as both ships disappeared under mysterious sea or air. Some say that the Bermuda Triangle is a place mangkalnya aliens and UFO. Some claim it also is the magnetic center of the largest in the world. And there is another that states that the center of the earth and there is a black hole that can suck anything that passes. Then what is the opinion of Islam about the Bermuda triangle?

There is a hadith that Abu Hurayrah narrated that the Prophet has said: "When one is in place that will open or amid the sun is shining, shading and shadows that move so that part of him is located in a hot spot and partly in a cool place, then let him stand or leave it "says this ban because the place like it was the most favored by Satan. So what to do with Bermuda?

The reason is because Bermuda is located in the waters of the Atlantic midway between the Americas and the northern part of Africa. This location is easily meeting the two regions of Africa and the heat flow from the cool North America. With this hadith then terjawablah Bermuda Triangle mystery. Strange cases that occur is certainly partly due to a meeting between the hot and cool air and Satan palace that may be hidden there.

There is a book called "The Dajjal will emerge from the royal jinn in the Bermuda triangle" Sheikh Muhammad Isa Dawuud work from Egypt, that region is bermuda Jin area where there is an appearance of Dajjal. If true indictment of the book, what's not weird at Sabdakan By Prophet Muhammad is true, and to prove that Islam has an answer for all questions.

Jumat, 15 Agustus 2014

Hijab Virgin Mary says 'La ilaha illallah' By the Islamic State


This is not a hoax story aka "hoaks". In a painting, the figure of the Holy Virgin Mary in Christianity is so elegant with clothes greatness, even with the veil that always hung in his head. But in painting this one, you would have been shocked by the great Arabic inscription found on the banks of the Virgin Mary veil worn.

Command stick Bung Karno

Diposting oleh Unknown

Many times Bung Karno said that his Command Sticks do not have a magic power, power linuwih .. "it's just plain wood that I use as part of my performance as a leader of a great country" said Bung Karno in his biography of the author, Cindy Adams at some point in the Bogor Palace.


Bung Karno itself has three baton the same shape, a stick that he carried out of the country, one stick for dealing with the stick-General and one time he spoke. But if such a hurry and had to go, which often is the stick he carried when he made ​​a speech.

Ever a time Cuban President Fidel Castro holds a stick Bung Karno and joked "Is this magic wand as wand Indian Chief?" Bung Karno laughed, then asked Castro black cap Bung Karno and Bung Karno use green pet has its Castro. "I use this Pet my time attacking Batista's Havana and I drop" Castro said about the green Pet.

Is it stick Bung Karno supernatural powers? like Keris Diponegoro 'Kyai Bark' or dagger Aryo Penangsang 'Kyai Satan Kober' wallahu'alam. But Bung Karno magic, it's obvious. The most shocking public events for Bung Karno Indonesia is currently being shot from close range in the Eid prayers. The shot was missed and this is so excited, how could the shooter was a warlord trained, why shoot from a distance of only 5 meters are not taxable. At that point radios when the trial court shooter Bung Karno, Bung Karno was revealed when divided itself into five. Shooter confused 'where Bung Karno'?

Qur'anic instructions on intelligent beings in Extraterrestrial

Diposting oleh Unknown

The Qur'an is the biggest miracle of all time. First recorded at the time of Caliph Abu Bakr, and bookkeeping perfected in the era of Caliph Umar ibn Khathab. While at the time of Caliph Uthman began to set the shape of the letter and reproduced so that the technical term is Rosam Ottomans. Grammar of the Qur'an (nahwu and sharaf) was introduced in the time of Caliph Ali ibn Abi Talib.

One of the privileges of the Qur'an is that it allows the interpretation that continues to grow and is always up to date. One example is contained in the letter Ar-Ra'du (13) verse 15.

And just to Allah prostrate (obedient) "Man" is in the heavens and in the earth, either by their own volition (obedient), or forced, nor may its shadow (go prostration) in the morning and evening (QS 13:15 ).

The verse explains the "Man" in the sky and on Earth. Then who is the "Man" in this verse?

1 In the grammar of the Qur'an (Arabic) "Man" shows being given a reason. While intelligent beings created by Allah there is 4, namely: Angel, Devil, Jin, and Humans. Therefore, other creatures such as animals, plants, or inanimate objects can not be called "Man" but called "Maa". If translated into Indonesian, the "Man" means "Who" and "Maa" means "What".

2 The characteristics of "Man" referred to in the above paragraph is:
a) Prostration in obedience to God;
b) Prostration forced to God; and
c) Has the shadows.


It reads: Walillahi yasjudu Man fi ssamaawaati wal ardhi, if translated into: And to Allah "Man" in the heavens and on earth prostrate / worship. It sounds paraghraf first of these verses. Paraghraf This explains the existence of "Man" in the heavens and in the earth bow down / worship God. Then proceed with the sentence: Thou'an Karhan wa wa ... dzilaluhum., If translated into: Obey, and forced, and their shadows ...... Paraghraf describes characteristics of "Man" is the first paraghraf. That bow down / worship the "Man" is sometimes referred to above obedient, sometimes forced, and they have shadows.

U-23 national team to qualify to the last 16 after a 4-0 win over the Maldives U-23, at the 2014 Asian Games.

Diposting oleh Unknown

Indonesia U-23 national team performed so brilliantly in the competition for the Maldives to get rid of the 2014 Asian Games The match took place in Incheon. Indonesia national team U-23 managed to tear apart the Maldives back line and scored 4 goals.
Ferdinand Sinaga print managed 4 goals in a match against Timor Leste national team, and now the game against Maldives comeback so brilliantly by scoring 2 goals. However, the results of this winning to be paid because the expensive goalkeeper Andritany Ardhiyasa and Ramdani Lestaluhu can blow so hard from the Maldives.
The game in the first round, the players Maldives U-23 play so brilliantly. Maldives U-23 can perform with confidence and take the ball but the defense puncture Indonesia U-23 national team. Nevertheless, there are Achmad Jufriyanto protecting the back line well.


Diposting oleh Unknown

Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation (PVMBG) is still set to the alert status of Mount Slamet located in Central Java.

"Until now PVMBG has not lowered the status of Mount Slamet, status remain vigilant," said Head Observation Post Mount Slamet in Gambuhan, Pemalang, Sukedi, when contacted from Navan on Thursday.

He said the decline in the status of the new volcano increase will last long.

According to him, it will continue to monitor the development of Mount Slamet on several parameters before deciding to lower the status of the alert becomes active normal.

"But for the current condition of Mount Slamet relatively safe, there is no influence of Mount Merapi," he said.

Nevertheless, he recognized the little obstacles in the observation of Mount Slamet due to the influence of extreme weather.

According to him, the rain interfere with activities of daily visual observation.

"But if the morning could still be observed visually," he said.

As is known, PVMBG set the alert status of Mount Slamet who are in Pemalang, Purbalingga, Banyumas, Bradford, and Tegal since June 29, 2009.

Spoiler for myths:
According ceritane old wong, Mount Slamet pancen mandan Sejen / karo different mountains liyane nang tlatah Java, Mount Slamet pancen dudu mountain climb of mung kanggo sing usual tourist destinations / recreation, hobbies utawa mung just pengin naklukaken. Climbing the summit of Mount Slamet biasane clicking kanggo specific goals umpamane Merga ana alesan spiritual, kudu mulane climbers nglengkapi terms syarate ndisit.

Islamic State of Iraq and Sham (ISIS), Political Masterpiece Mujahideen

Diposting oleh Unknown - Islamic State of Iraq and Sham (hereinafter abbreviated to short for an English version, ISIS) becomes an interesting phenomenon at the opening of the AD calendar, 2014 Hundreds of migrants related to ISIS brushed off, to abduct and rape the women.

The reason is ISIS as an element of struggle Syria is accused of the brutal elements. Most Takfiris Accused, 'keblasuk' understanding of the Khawarij, mujrim, like indiscriminate killing and so forth. Until the end of the massacre against the muhajirin incident that join ISIS, which is regarded as a punishment from other brigades, became a topic of particular concern.

Until eventually some Islamic media in Indonesia raised in crowded on ISIS. This defense is very reasonable. Because in the eyes of these media, crime brigade (which many identified as a criminal group) were attacked ISIS This has gone far enough. In particular, they only target muhajirin and muhajirat are joined. They did not dare head to head 'judge' local combatants ISIS.

Then came an input, that is better Islamic media focus back to the Shiite resistance, by reason of such events is already 'on-set'. Either the owner of the entries do not understand, or adopts another, this input is finally a little inspiration for the writer gives his opinion to show that the defense of the ISIS (defense for some people seen 'Animashaun'), is a reasonable defense.

Results Chat Political Experts Jihad

Birth of the Islamic State of Iraq, following ISIS, a tactical decisions that are political. This kind of politics is the politics of kosher and halal bright. There is no debate that establish Daulah with the way this discussion is valid, although the issue whether or not compulsory allegiance to amirnya can be discussed later and will not be discussed here.

Mujahideen from age to age on various fronts have felt the 'sap'. After struggling in a particular front, they are labeled as terrorists. Being chased here and there by the local and international authorities is commonplace story of a kind of Bosnian international front, Afghanistan, Moro, until the local front sort of Poso and Ambon.

The Mystery of the Bermuda Triangle

Diposting oleh Unknown

According to the Bermuda Triangle Mystery Islam | Al-Hadith Bermuda Triangle, also called the devil lies in the triangular area of ​​the Atlantic ocean area of ​​1.5 million miles, or 4 million square kilometers that make up the triangle lines between territorial areas of the United Kingdom as a point in the north, Puerto Rico territorial United States point to the south of the state of Florida and Miami United States as a point to the west.

Certainly never heard of the strange events that often occur there as both ships disappeared under mysterious sea or air. Some say that the Bermuda Triangle is a place mangkalnya aliens and UFO. Some claim it also is the magnetic center of the largest in the world. And there is another that states that the center of the earth and there is a black hole that can suck anything that passes. Then what is the opinion of Islam about the Bermuda triangle?

There is a hadith that Abu Hurayrah narrated that the Prophet has said: "When one is in place that will open or amid the sun is shining, shading and shadows that move so that part of him is located in a hot spot and partly in a cool place, then let him stand or leave it "says this ban because the place like it was the most favored by Satan. So what to do with Bermuda?

The reason is because Bermuda is located in the waters of the Atlantic midway between the Americas and the northern part of Africa. This location is easily meeting the two regions of Africa and the heat flow from the cool North America. With this hadith then terjawablah Bermuda Triangle mystery. Strange cases that occur is certainly partly due to a meeting between the hot and cool air and Satan palace that may be hidden there.

There is a book called "The Dajjal will emerge from the royal jinn in the Bermuda triangle" Sheikh Muhammad Isa Dawuud work from Egypt, that region is bermuda Jin area where there is an appearance of Dajjal. If true indictment of the book, what's not weird at Sabdakan By Prophet Muhammad is true, and to prove that Islam has an answer for all questions.

Hijab Virgin Mary says 'La ilaha illallah' By the Islamic State

Diposting oleh Unknown


This is not a hoax story aka "hoaks". In a painting, the figure of the Holy Virgin Mary in Christianity is so elegant with clothes greatness, even with the veil that always hung in his head. But in painting this one, you would have been shocked by the great Arabic inscription found on the banks of the Virgin Mary veil worn.

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